
30 Peppermint Drinks To Keep You Amazed

In this article, we’re glad to share 30 peppermint drinks to keep you amazed. If you are finding something fresh and flavorful to drink during winter’s months, just give these a go. The collection includes both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, so you can definitely choose some to your liking. As many are super duper impressive, why don’t you add them to the holiday treat list? For instance, peppermint bark mimosas are great for Christmas and New Year. Let’s dive right in!

30 Peppermint Drinks To Keep You Amazed
30 Peppermint Drinks To Keep You Amazed

Along with desserts and snacks, peppermints are a preferred ingredient in a number of flavorful drinks, ranging from milkshake, coffee, hot chocolate to cocktails. They make these drinks taste better and look more impressive. Let’s take slow cooker peppermint hot chocolate as an example. I’ve made them for 4 times this December and my family all fell in love with it. A glass of it does not only rejoice our taste buds but also warms up our body right while it’s freezing outside. Perfect!

#1 White Chocolate Peppermint Bark Martini

White Chocolate Peppermint Bark Martini Full recipe here.

#2 Peppermint Bark Mimosas

Peppermint Bark MimosasFull recipe here.

#3 Peppermint Nog Punch

Peppermint Nog PunchFull recipe here.

#4 Peppermint Mocha White Russian

Peppermint Mocha White RussianFull recipe here.

#5 Christmas Peppermint Punch

Christmas Peppermint PunchFull recipe here.

#6 Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Peppermint Hot CocoaFull recipe here.

#7 Candy Cane White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha

Candy Cane White Chocolate Peppermint MochaFull recipe here.

#8 Peppermint Milkshakes

Peppermint MilkshakesFull recipe here.

#9 Slow Cooker Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Slow Cooker Peppermint Hot ChocolateFull recipe here.

#10Healthy Peppermint Mocha

Healthy Peppermint MochaFull recipe here.

#11 Peppermint Grinch White Hot Chocolate

Peppermint Grinch White Hot ChocolateFull recipe here.

#12 Boozy Peppermint Mocha Coffee

Boozy Peppermint Mocha CoffeeFull recipe here.

#13 Spiked Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Spiked Peppermint Hot ChocolateFull recipe here.

#14 Pink Peppermint Cocktail

Pink Peppermint CocktailFull recipe here.

#15 Dairy-Free Chocolate Peppermint Smoothie

Dairy-Free Chocolate Peppermint SmoothieFull recipe here.

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