
9 Kitchen Tips and Tricks You Wish You Knew Earlier

If you are looking for kitchen tips and tricks, you are at the right place!

You frequently cook, and you must be familiar with the “eureka” moment when you figure out how to cut a routine kitchen activity in half. Some things in life could have saved you a great deal of time and effort if you had only learned them sooner. An example is wetting the thread tip before inserting it into the needle’s eye. Another option would be to roll the batteries in the remote to extend their longevity. We’ve compiled our top 09 kitchen tips and tricks that will help you save a lot of your valued time.

Have a look at these kitchen tips and tricks if you’re looking for ways to improve your cooking abilities. Now, head to the kitchen!

9 Kitchen Tips and Tricks

1. Eggs scrambled in the microwave

Eggs scrambled in the microwaveSource: eatthis

A super popular kitchen tips and tricks is to scramble eggs in the microwave. First, you spray some nonstick spray on a mug and take it. Break a few eggs inside. Add some milk or water on top, season with salt and pepper, and whisk everything together with a fork. A meal with 12 grams of protein is ready after 90 seconds of microwaving at 30-second intervals while stirring in between.

2. Greens and herbs kept in a damp paper towel

Greens and herbs kept in a damp paper towelSource: thekitchn

Don’t you hate it when you open the vegetable drawer and see the plastic produce bag filled with what you thought was herb-like green slime? This kitchen tips and tricks helps you to preserve vegetables longer as you wish. When wrapped in damp paper towels and stored in zip-lock bags with the seals slightly ajar, washed herbs and greens can be preserved for several days.

You’ll even get a built-in freshness indicator with the paper towels. You’ll see darker areas of liquid appearing on the paper towels at the first sign of decomposition. This is a good indication that your herbs and greens should be consumed within a day or two.

3. Kitchen tips and tricks: Partially Freeze Meat Before Cutting

Kitchen tips and tricks: Partially Freeze Meat Before CuttingSource: thekitchn

Don’t worry, you’re not actually freezing the meat; simply wrap it in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes before to slicing. Just enough time has passed for the meat to firm up, making it more solid and slicing-friendly.

The similar kitchen tips and tricks can be applied to chopping fatty meats, such as uncooked bacon.

4. Put Meat on Aluminum Trays to Defrost

Put Meat on Aluminum Trays to DefrostSource: thekitchn

Meat can be quickly defrosted under a cold, continuously running faucet. Place the meat on an aluminum sheet tray or griddle instead if you want to save water and expedite the process a little. An aluminum surface will heat your frozen meat much more quickly than a wooden cutting board, wood or stone countertop, or any other heat-conducting material because aluminum is such a good conductor of heat. By doing this, you can reduce defrosting times by about 30%. Additionally, it works on stews, soups, and other frozen flat items.

5. Peel ginger with a spoon

Peel ginger with a spoonSource: eatthis

Due to its lumps and imperfections, ginger can be challenging to peel. Reach for the spoon instead of the paring knife or vegetable peeler. It will immediately come off when scraped against the skin, following all contours and producing the least amount of waste.

6. Fast ripening in a paper bag

Fast ripening in a paper bagSource: soulfullymade

In other ethylene gas-related news, store fruits in a brown paper bag that has been folded shut to hasten their ripening, such as avocados for guacamole and kiwis for fruit salad. As a result, the fruit sugars mature and the acids dissolve since the gas is trapped inside the bag (while still providing some breathing space). That is as a result of the quick ethylene.

7. Preheat the pan

Preheat the panSource: eatthis

Follow this restaurant chef tip for the crispiest veggies, more even frying, shorter cooking times, and the greatest searing of meat: Before adding the other ingredients, preheat your sheet pan, oven-safe skillet, or pizza stone for about three minutes.

8. Boil potatoes and then peel them

Boil potatoes and then peel themSource: bossthekitchen

A knife, a pair of tongs, a saucepan of boiling water, and a bowl of ice water are all that are required to peel an entire bushel of potatoes. With a knife, cut a circle around the center of the raw potatoes. Put them gently in the boiling water, then simmer them there for 15 minutes. Your potatoes are now heated, so use the tongs to carefully take them and place them in the icy water. The skins will easily fall off the potatoes from the center out to the ends once they are cold enough to handle.

9. Reheat a slice of pizza in a skillet

Reheat a slice of pizza in a skilletSource: bacinos

Snack attack? Use your skillet to warm up a slice. By doing this, you can simultaneously get a crispy crust and melted cheese without using your oven. Cook for one minute on medium heat, add a few drops of water for steam, and then cover with a lid. After two to three minutes, you’ll be able to slice something wonderful.

So, the next time you are cooking, try these kitchen tips and tricks and level up your cooking game in no time! Discover many delicious healthy recipes in our website!

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