
Must-have Ingredients For Sushi You Should Notice

Japanese sushi is one of many typical traditional Japanese dishes. It is extremely nutritious, delicious, and good for health. There are many ways to make sushi. This article, Easy and Healthy Recipes would like to introduce to you must-have ingredients for sushi.

ingredients for sushi

Must-have Ingredients For Sushi

Must-have Ingredients For SushiSource: Waku Waku

In order to have a delicious taste that is loved by many eaters, the ingredients for making sushi are always premium and carefully selected. These also have certain benefits for our health.

Japanese Rice

Japanese RiceSource: Japan Centre

Japanese rice has a round shape. The aroma of cooked Japanese rice is very attractive. It is also very flexible, not pasty, and has a very high viscosity so it is often used to make Sushi rice in Japanese restaurants.

Dried Seaweed

Dried seaweed is one of the must-have ingredients for making sushi. It adds essential nutrients to the body such as amino acids, vitamin B12, and minerals. In addition to the unique flavor, the dried Japanese seaweed also helps to increase the attractiveness of the famous sushi dish.


Source: ichi Sushi

There are a lot of options for the filling of sushi but the most popular filling is still fresh salmon. In particular, salmon is considered one of the golden ingredients of the culinary industry. Because they possess extremely high levels of Protein, Omega 3, 6, 9, DHA, EPA… Besides, the taste of salmon meat are also extremely suitable for sushi. Many chefs have chosen Norwegian salmon for their dishes because this is the best-rated salmon on the market.

Spices For Making Sushi

The signature flavor of sushi is not only created from ingredients like rice or seaweed but also a combination of spices and dipping sauces. A perfect sushi dish cannot be without these spices.

Japanese Vinegar

Japanese vinegar has a mildly sour taste, a light sweet taste, and a glossy finish. Japanese sushi vinegar is already seasoned, so there’s no need to add sugar and salt. In addition, vinegar also helps to reduce the fishy taste, and disinfect seafood to maintain the freshness of sushi.

Besides, Japanese vinegar also helps the rice become softer and more flexible. Not only that, but vinegar also helps the rice make sushi more shining and look very fresh and beautiful.

Sushi Soy Sauce

Soy sauce has a very important position in Japanese cuisine. Although the appearance of soy sauce is quite similar, the taste, aroma, and characteristic salinity are not the same. Therefore, Japanese dishes, especially sushi and sashimi, must be eaten with Japanese soy sauce to have a pure native flavor.

In Japan, in addition to the 5 main types of soy sauce that are divided into separate names, manufacturers also produce separate soy sauce lines for each dish. Most of which is still soy sauce to eat sushi. Your Japanese sushi will be wonderful if enjoyed with this wonderful traditional dipping sauce.

Mustard And Pickled Pink Ginger

Pickled Pink GingerSource: Club Foody

These are the two condiments that come with sushi commonly found in Japanese restaurants. In addition to enhancing the flavor of dishes, they also help eliminate the fishy smell inside fresh ingredients such as seafood.

Besides, each type also has its own effect to neutralize the ingredients in sushi. It can be said that when using Wasabi mustard and pink ginger, you will feel warm both literally and figuratively.

In addition, the effect of strengthening the immune system from the ingredients of Wasabi is also very noticeable in Japan. Therefore, Wasabi is not only a common spice but also an effective remedy in the treatment of diseases, especially digestive diseases.

Other Ingredients For Sushi

In addition to the main ingredients to create sushi, you can also create other types of sushi with ingredients such as:

– Ebiko Masago Shrimp Eggs

– Cucumber, avocado

– Crab stick

– Japanese tuna

Or serve with other products such as:

– Edamame Japanese Soybeans.

– Herring pressed eggs

– Sake or apricot wine

Wish you successfully make a delicious sushi meal for your family with these ingredients. And don’t forget to stop by Easy and Healthy Recipes to know more wonderful recipes.

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